Most Common Skin Problems and the Solutions

hemorrhoid creamWe all know that the human skin is the largest organ in our body; it functions as a shield to protect our body's internal organs from harmful bacteria outside. However, the skin is not just a mask to cover our insides, it's a very complex organ that reflects our overall health. Therefore, the skin deserve all the essential nutrients it needs to protect itself from external damage.

This article highlights four common skin problems faced by most people and the solutions for the problems.

1. Fine Lines and Wrinkles. These are the most common problems to surface as our skin age; these problems are due to sun exposure and repeated muscle movements. There is no way to completely eliminate fine lines and wrinkles; what we could do is to lessen it or make it less noticeable. Most skin care experts will recommend to use exfoliators for these problems. Skin care product that contains exfoliants help remove dead skin and stimulate the production of collagen which helps to keep our skin smooth and firm. As a preventive measure, always use sunscreen that has at least SPF 15 when heading out to the sun.

2. Puffed-up Pores. These problem occurs because of accumulation of dead skin cells and sebum (skin oil) in the skin; causing the skin pores to expand, trap dirt and clogged. The solution for this is to have a proper cleansing regimen. Find a good cleanser and learn how to wash your face properly. Do not use bar soaps to clean your face as they tend to dry out your skin. Be careful not to overcleansing your skin, just cleanse twice daily. Also, never go to bed without washing off your make-up.

3. Pimples or Blemishes. No one knows why pimples occur; it can be due to many factors such as diets (or the foods we eat), stress and hormonal changes. Moderate cases of acne, characterized by less than seven pimples a month, can be treated with over the counter products. However, if breakouts are more severe, see a dermatologist. Other good solutions include lifestyle modification, eat nutritious foods, drink plenty of water, rest well and exercise regularly.

4. Skin Redness. These are rashes caused by things your skin touches such as cosmetics, soaps, detergents, chemicals, rubber products, etc. A good solution for skin redness is to use Hydrocortisone cream (1%); which is available without a prescription. If you have skin redness, avoid scrubbing your skin, use gentle cleanser, avoid cosmetic lotions and leave the affected area exposed to the air as much as possible.
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Of course there are many different types of skin problems; this article covers the four most common ones and suggested some solutions.

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